I often saw orders from customers for multiple items. They buy one item like Shiroi Koibito 12 Ct. and Mifuyu. Since my webpage only had "Buy Now" button on the site from PayPal, customers often made two purchases to buy multiple items. I shipped them together, but there was obviously a need for a shopping cart system so that customers can buy more than one items on the page.
Adding shopping cart was a simpler steps using PayPal. It is part of PayPal merchant service. I think you have to have a business account to use PayPal merchant. Just like creating a "Buy Now" button, there is an option for making it a "Add to Cart".
I needed another icon on the top of the page to see "View Cart" so that at any page, customers can view cart and checkout. Here is a link to how to setup shopping cart using PayPal.
Both of them are simple JavaScript that I can copy and paste to HTML pages which was very straight forward.